Even though the little kids in the video are cute when they argue, real-life arguments are not always cute! Sometimes at school, our friends might take our pencil without giving it back. At home, your parents might move your toys to a place you didn't want them to be. Your brother or sister might hit you for no reason. All of these things can result in an argument.
So how should a Christian behave during an argument? (I will be putting in Biblical references. Try to see if you can find them in your Bible!)
First of all, it's important to remember that Christians do argue! Christians are no different from non-Christians. We have the same sins, the same human urges to fight back, and the same feelings as non-Christians. This is exactly why we need Jesus-- so that He can redeem the sinful qualities that we have.
However, as a Christian, we are called to behave differently during an argument than non-Christians. We must first love our God and then love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40). A way that we can love our neighbors is by putting their interests before our own interests (Philippians 2: 3-4). So what does that mean? It means that when we are in an argument, sometimes we have to put the interest of the person we are arguing above our own interest, which may mean trying to understand their point of view even though you just want to make them hear what you have to say. Sometimes it means letting go of the argument altogether and letting them have their way (which can be okay if it's not a matter of sin). Sometimes it just means softening your heart to them and saying, "I love you more than winning this argument."
So the next time you find yourself arguing with a friend or a family member, whether big or little, remember that
Christ has called us to love one another in the way He has loved us (1 John 4:19)
Until next time,