Knowing that we have an extra 24 hours this year, what do you plan on doing with your time?
In 24 hours, you could watch 48 cartoons.
In 24 hours, you could play 72 video games.
In 24 hours, you could run 180 miles (if you had enough energy!).
In 24 hours, you could wash the dishes 32 times.
In 24 hours, you could do so many things!
God has blessed us every 4 years with this extra day, so He wants us to prayerfully consider how to use the
extra time He has given us instead of doing all those things, maybe you can:
- Spend time with your family, maybe watching cartoons together
- Hang out with a friend who likes to play video games so that you can tell them about God and
invite them to church
- Run a mile to exercise and take care of the body that God has given you
- Wash the dishes for your mom so that she can take a break for one day
Transform the way you think about the time that you have. Time has been given to us by God only through grace. He has no reason to give us the time that we have. So when you feel that someone is "stealing" time from you, know that it wasn't yours to begin with, so it's not yours to keep. It was a beautiful gift from God and He wants you to use it to glorify Him.
Hope you have a happy leap year day tomorrow!
Until next time,