Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice
behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
Have you ever faced a time when you had to make an important decision? Have you ever faced a time when you just didn't know what to do? Maybe it was whether or not you wanted to do soccer or gymnastics. Maybe it was whether you wanted to go on a trip or not. Maybe it was whether you should do homework or hang out with your friends.
Although many of your parents make big decisions for you, as you get older, you will need to make decisions on your own. When that time comes, know that God is with you. God is with your parents as they make big decisions, and God will be with you as you start to make big decisions.
What attitude should we have as we make these decisions?
It's simple! We trust in God to know that He has made the decisions for us. We spend time with Him so that we can hear Him say "This is the way; walk in it." Although we may not hear His voice booming from the sky, we can know in our hearts that the right decision is a decision to simply follow Him in whatever we do. Sometimes there isn't a right or wrong decision, but rather a call from God to trust Him in whatever decision we make.
Take time to read the Bible so you know what standards God has and take time to pray to Him so that He can set your heart straight as you make decisions. Rely on Him completely!
Until next time,